How to Create an Elegant Backyard Seating Area, Simplified

backyard seating area

According to a recent survey, the average American spends about 14 hours outside each week. This survey also revealed that more than 70% of people make it a point to spend time outside because they’ve found it to be therapeutic.

If you don’t feel like you’re spending enough time outside these days, you should strive to change that. You can do it by creating a backyard seating area for you to hang out in. You’ll enjoy going outside so much more than you do now when you have access to an incredible outdoor entertaining space.

But before you begin trying to create the best patio seating setup, make sure you know what you’re doing. It’ll ensure that you’re able to put together the most elegant backyard seating area possible.

Here’s a guide featuring tips on how to bring your new backyard seating area to life in no time at all.

Pick a Great Spot

First things first: if you want to create a backyard seating area, you’ll need to begin by picking the right spot for it. It’s going to set the tone for your entire outdoor patio project.

In a perfect world, you should try to find a spot that’s going to get the right amount of sunlight at the right times of the day. You should also look for a spot that’s going to be easy to access from inside your home. It’ll help you get a lot more use out of it over time.

Design the Best Patio

Once you know where you’d like to put your backyard seating area, you can start designing the best patio for it. To do this, you’ll need to make a series of important decisions.

First and foremost, you’ll need to decide how big your patio is going to be. You’ll also need to give thought to what shape it will be.

You might even want to consider what color the patio is going to be. You’ll probably want to choose a neutral color that will relax you when you’re using your backyard seating area.

Coming up with a great design for a patio can be more challenging than you might think. Designs 4 You can set you up with the concrete patio design services you’ll need.

Choose the Right Patio Finish

If you want to take your patio design over the top, it might be worth exploring the idea of choosing a decorative patio finish for it. You can go with something like stamped or stained concrete if you so choose.

A patio finish like this will make your backyard seating area look even more elegant than it would otherwise. It’s why you should consider going in this direction to make the most of your new setup.

Consider Creating Built-In Seating

Your backyard seating area will obviously need, well, seating before everything is all said and done. You might want to plan to purchase at least one new patio set that you can set up.

But you might also want to toss around the idea of incorporating built-in seating into your patio space. This is another area in which Designs 4 You can assist you.

From the start of the design process, we can show you some places where you can put built-in seating. It’ll add elegance to your patio and prevent you from having to constantly shuffle chairs around.

Select the Ideal Patio Lighting

After you have your backyard seating area set up, you’ll want to spend at least some time during the day sitting out on it. You can soak up some of the warm San Diego sun and benefit from it in so many ways.

But you’ll also want to spend some time on your patio at night. For this reason, you’ll need to work great patio lighting into the mix as you design your backyard seating area.

If you’re going for a more elegant look, your backyard seating lighting should be strategically placed and subtle. It’ll help make your patio more pleasant at night without shining too many outdoor lighting options right in your face.

Go With the Right Finishing Touches

As long as you do everything else that we’ve talked about here, your backyard seating area should be a warm and welcoming place where you’ll want to hang out. But you’ll also have the chance to take it to the next level with some important finishing touches.

You may want to hang up a few signs to make your patio space unique to your home. You might also want to find places to put outdoor speakers so that you can play music while you’re sitting outside both during the day and at night.

These small touches will help make your backyard seating area feel so much more personal. It’ll transform it into a cozy and comfortable place that you’ll want to camp out on as often as you can.

Think About Adding an Outdoor Kitchen

If you plan on using your new backyard seating area to entertain others, you’ll want to add at least a grill to it. But if you’re already going to be revamping the space, why not go the extra mile and create a whole outdoor kitchen?

You’ll be able to prepare entire meals outside when you have an outdoor kitchen. It’ll encourage you to spend even more time outside throughout the course of the year.

Start Creating the Perfect Backyard Seating Area

The possibilities will be endless when you’re putting together plans for a backyard seating area. It can make the process of creating a new patio space a little overwhelming at times.

Designs 4 You will be here to help you at every turn. From creating a great design for your backyard seating area to bringing your plans to life, we can lend a hand with every aspect of your new space.

Contact us today to get more information on how we can turn your backyard into the oasis you’ve always wanted.

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